RAIL1520 took a strong line in TOP-15 of Russian leasing companies

24.12.2012 RAIL1520 took a strong line in TOP-15 of Russian leasing companies

According to the leasing market research results at 9 months of 2012 done by Expert RA Rating Agency, RAIL1520 lessor ranked 14th in terms of new business volume. The mentioned research was conducted among 108 leasing companies.

The new business volume revealed nearly three-time increment – initial 4.809 billion rubles at the end of the last year ended up 13.955 billion rubles by the third quarter of 2012. This advanced RAIL1520 for 18 ranking positions, from 32 to 14.

It bears reminding that at a half-year end RAI1520 lessor ranked 13th among 112 home leasing companies.

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